Copyright Transfer Policy

As a condition of publication in the GMSARN International Journal, authors are requested to assign the copyright of their article to the Greater Mekong Subregion Academic and Research Network in consideration of such publication. Please confirm your agreement to this by completing the Copyright Transfer Form below and returning the entire form to The Editor, GMSARN International Journal, GMSARN, c/o AIT, P.O. Box 4, Khlong Luang, Pathumthani 12120, Thailand; Office Tel: (66-2) 524-6537; E- mail:

All authors should sign the form, using separate copies if necessary or one author should sign the form on behalf of all authors. Should any further author(s) be added to this article while it is under consideration for the journal, the undersigned author(s) must secure the agreement of the additional author(s) to the transfer of copyright. Equally, this transfer of copyright will continue to apply if the title is changed before publication.

Anyone wishing to reprint copyright material, including illustrations, must obtain formal permission from the Regional Energy Resources Information Center and an appropriate acknowledgement must always be made. This policy forms an integral part of the Copyright Transfer Form; please do not detach this portion from the Copyright Transfer Form.


Article title (please complete in full): ___________________________________________________

Authors (please complete in full): ______________________________________________________

The undersigned authors agree to the Copyright Transfer Policy and hereby:

  • assign the copyright of the above article to the Greater Mekong Subregion Academic and Research Network (GMSARN). GMSARN shall, during the legal term of copyright, have the sole and exclusive right of producing, publishing, disseminating electronically and disposing of the article throughout the world. The authors shall not grant the right to print, publish, copy, or store electronically any part of the article to any other person, firm, or company without the previous consent in writing from GMSARN.
  • agree that posting the review and/or published versions of the article or any part of this article in personal, institutional or third party websites is a violation of this copyright transfer agreement.
  • the authors shall not grant to any other person, firm, or company without consent in writing from GMSARN, the right to post copies of this article or any part of this article readily available and/or downloadable in public domains and websites.
  • indemnify GMSARN against any claims made by other parties concerning the authorship of the article or rights to publish the article.
  • warrant to GMSARN that the material shall be in no way whatever a violation of any existing copyright, that it contains nothing libellous or unlawful and that it does not infringe the rights or privacy of others.
  • confirm that the work has not been previously published elsewhere and is not currently under consideration for another publication.
  • confirm that all of the article’s authors accept responsibility for the validity of its content.

The Copyright Transfer Policy forms an integral part of this agreement.

Signed : ___________________________________________________________________________

Date : ____________________________________________________________________________

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