In the Greater Mekong Subregion,  home to about 250 million people, environmental degradation – including the decline of natural resources and ecosystems will definitely impact on the marginalized groups in society – the poor, the border communities especially women and children and indigenous peoples. The complexity of the challenges are revealed in the current trends in land and forest degradation and desertification, the numerous demands made on the Mekong river – to provide water for industrial and agricultural development, to sustain subsistence fishing, for transport, to maintain delicate ecological and hydrological balance, etc., the widespread loss of biological diversity due to economic activities, climate change and its impacts on the agricultural and river basin systems, and other forms of crises owning to conflicts over access to shared resources. The GMSARN International Journal is dedicated to advance knowledge in energy, environment, natural resource management and economical development by the vigorous examination and analysis of theories and good practices, and to encourage innovations needed to establish a successful approach to solve an identified problem.

            The GMSARN International Journal is a quarterly journal published by GMSARN in March, June, September and December of each year. Papers related to energy, environment, natural resource management, and economical development are published. The papers are reviewed by world renowned referees.